​Why Study Portuguese?

Over 250 million people speak the language world wide, making it the sixth most spoken language in the world.  The language is important to the African Diaspora, spoken in Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé & Principé and Cape Verde.  Learning the language will allow students to experience the rich cultures and histories of these nations.  

​At Howard, students will be learning Brazilian Portuguese.  Brazil has the largest Afro-descendant population outside of Africa and is the eigth-largest economy in the world.  Learning Portuguese and studying the history and culture of Brazil will allow students to make connections with other communities within the African Diaspora as well as be more competitive in the global market. 

Dr. Eliseo Jacob


Locke Hall 332

Minor in Portuguese

Students interested in pursuing a more in depth study of the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture can choose to minor in Portuguese.  Click on the link below for more information on the minor:

Minor in Portuguese

Foreign Language Requirements

Most students at Howard University have a foreign language requirement to graduate.  Depending on their major, students typically take between two to four semesters of a foreign language.  Enrolling in Portuguese language courses at Howard will count towards the foreign language requirement.  The course sequence for the basic Portuguese language courses is as follows:

Portuguese I - (PORT 001) 

Portuguese II - (PORT 002)

Portuguese III - (PORT 003)

Portuguese IV - (PORT 004)

Students majoring or minoring in Spanish frequently enroll in Portuguese courses to complement their language studies at Howard and to understand the similarities in cultures and experiences between Brazil and its Latin American neighbors.