Capstone Experience for DWLC Spanish Majors

Capstone Experience Description

In addition to the 36 required hours, Spanish majors must complete the “Capstone Experience”. To qualify for graduation, Spanish Majors must complete one of the following and inform of their decision to the Spanish Coordinator as soon as they have made a choice, but no later than the end of the semester before they plan to graduate. Please check “Timeline” for deadlines. Students who do not meet the deadlines will not be allowed to graduate.

Comprehensive Examination

  • A set of 10 questions on each area [Afro-Hispanic, Latin-America, Peninsular] will be given to students by 15 September / 15 January of the semester they plan to take the exam. Up to the end of October /February, students are welcome to consult with faculty members regarding the questions. The exam will include 3-4 of those questions in each area, which students will answer in essay form, in Spanish.
  • A composition in Spanish on a subject indicated to the students the day of the exam.
  • An oral interview of about ten minutes in Spanish on general and academic issues to be conducted by a panel of two or more professors.

Capstone Community Project

By 10 November / 30 March of their graduation semester, and with the supervision of a tenured faculty member, students will have preformed a minimum of 80 hours of volunteer work for an organization which serves the Hispanic community. Students will have written a 5-10 page report on their work, in Spanish. At the end of their graduation semester, students who select this option will make a 10 minute presentation to the DWLC on their experience.

Capstone Essay

By 30 October / 15 March of their graduation semester, students will complete a 15-20 page research essay. Students will work with the supervision of two full-time professors, one of which must be a tenured professor. The essay must include sources other than textbooks, and it must follow the MLA format. At the end of their graduation semester, students who select this option will make a 10 minute presentation to the DWLC on their research.

Capstone Experience Timeline

Choose one option (exam, project, or essay). Dates are tentative; contact advisors for specifics.
15 September / 15 January Comprehensive Examination: Questions given to students.
End of October / February Comprehensive Examination: Students deadline to consult with faculty regarding the questions.
End of semester Comprehensive Examination: By the end of the semester complete oral interview.
10 November / 30 March Community Project: Deadline to complete 80h volunteer work and report.
End of semester Community Project: Presentations on their DWLC experience.
30 October / 15 March Essay: Deadline to complete research essay.
End of semester Essay: Presentation of students' research.