Why Study Arabic?

Arabic offers a blend of critical language skills and applicability in over 20 countries with roughly 300 million native speakers. You will develop the skills to live, work, and interact with a more diverse set of countries, allowing you room to shift focus as you progress in your career. 

US government agencies have expressed a much greater need for Arabic speakers to address the complex political, military, and economic questions surrounding US engagement in the Middle East and North Africa.

Prof. Raslan Moutraji
(202) 806-4120

Locke Hall 362

Minor in Arabic

Students interested in pursuing a more in depth study of Arabic languages and cultures can choose to minor in Arabic.  Click on the link below for more information on the minor:

Minor in Arabic

Foreign Language Requirements

Most students at Howard University have a foreign language requirement to graduate.  Depending on their major, students typically take between two to four semesters of a foreign language.  Enrolling in Arabic language courses at Howard will count towards the foreign language requirement.  The course sequence for the basic Arabic language courses is as follows:

Arabic I - (ARAB 001) 

Arabic II - (ARAB 002)

Arabic III - (ARAB 003)

Arabic IV - (ARAB 004)