
Funding for Study Abroad

Worried about paying for study abroad?  Students have access to multiple sources to cover the cost of participating in a summer or semester abroad program.  At Howard, students have access to a Globalization Fee to help cover costs.  They should check with the school or college they are enrolled in to see how to access the fee.  Students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences can apply for the Lucy E. Moten Study Abroad Fellowship ($3,000).  Financial Aid can also be used to cover the costs of certain study abroad programs during the Fall or Spring semesters.  

​Students can also apply for scholarships offered by external foundations to cover the cost of study abroad.  The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship provides funding for underrepresented students and students with financial needs.  The Fund for Education Abroad offers scholarships to underrepresented students among the study abroad population.  The College Language Association offers study abroad scholarships for students at HBCUs.  Students can also apply to the Boren Awards program, which in exchange for the scholarship or fellowship, students agree to work for the federal government for a minimum of one year after graduation.  

​External study abroad programs also offer their own scholarships, some which are specifically designated for HBCU students.  The CIEE study abroad programs has a website that provides information on different scholarships and grants they provide to students, including a scholarship for students from Minority Serving Institutions.  The CET study abroad programs also offer scholarships for students to participate in their programs, which you can read about here.