DWLC Study Abroad Programs

Current study abroad opportunities offered by the Department of World Languages & Cultures:

Tanzania & Kenya Study Abroad Program

HU Swahili Study Abroad (HUSSA) in Tanzania and Kenya  The Howard University Swahili Study Abroad (HUSSA) Program is a community-based service learning program, available in Tanzania during the summer.  

Click on the link for more information: 

Swahili Study Abroad


Yoruba Group Project Abroad in Nigeria

The Yoruba Group Project Abroad in Nigeria is a Fulbright-Hays and Howard University 8-week Intensive Program. The purpose of this program is to offer you a fast language and culture acquisition through an immersion opportunity that is rare in the United States. In Nigeria, you will be among Yoruba native speakers and engaged in conversations with them in different situations. By doing so in the environment, you will increase your speaking skills, use the language in different situations, learn about the native speakers, gain practical experience of their culture, and understand both the language and culture at an advanced level. The program will run on the campus of the University of Ibadan, which is in the Ibadan Oyo State of Nigeria. Ibadan is a major city in Yoruba land.

Students interested in learning the Yoruba language and visiting Nigeria can apply to participate in this summer program.

Click on the link below for more information:
