Language Placement Examination (LPE)

Howard University's Department of World Languages and Cultures requires all students with prior language study to take the Language Placement Examination (LPE) if they wish to continue studying that language. The LPE determines the appropriate course level and is valid for one academic year.

Students must complete the LPE at least one week before enrollment. The exam, which takes about one hour and is web-based, is crucial for proper course placement. Results are available in 3-4 days, and students should consult their academic advisor or email for registration assistance.

The department offers courses in over 15 languages, including French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Swahili. There are interdisciplinary majors and minors, study abroad opportunities, and exemptions available based on AP, IB, CAPE, Cambridge A-level, and Seal of Biliteracy scores. For more details and to access the exam, please consult the image or contact the department’s faculty.

DWLC Language Placement Information