Minor in Russian

Russian Studies at Howard

Howard University is the only Historically Black University with a Russian Studies Program. Howard University offers a Russian language minor which includes coursework in the areas of history, social sciences, and culture. 


Students also participate in a wide range of events and activities offered in the Washington, D. C. area, including internships, presentations at think tanks and government institutions. Students can also take advanced level coursework at Georgetown, George Washington, and American universities through our consortium agreement.


Need additional information on the Russian Studies program?  Contact the program coordinator.


Dr. Brunilda Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz


Locke Hall 358



Russian Area Study Minors at Howard University enjoy access to an incredible number of research opportunities. Outside of access to Library of Congress, the foremost library for Russian Area Studies research in the United States, students can sample different areas of disciplines through the Consortium of Universities in the Washington Metropolitan Area, which includes American University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, George Mason University, and University of Maryland at College Park. Students who show interest are also invited to participate in a variety of research experiences, including presenting research projects at the Midwest Slavic Conference at Ohio State University. Students can also apply to summer study programs in Russian language study or special study programs that help prepare students to undertake graduate study in the field. Students can develop a full background in interdisciplinary study subjects. 

Howard University Russian Minor Student Activities

Foreign Policy

Howard Students with Dr. Lugo de Fabritz at HBCU Foreign Policy Conference

OSU slavic

Howard Students at Midwest Slavic Conference

Russia Harvard

Howard Students from Russian Studies Program at Harvard University Conference

Russia Bunche Center

Terrell Starr, former Fulbright fellow and journalist for The Root, talks about Russia


Spring 2020 "My Path to Slavic" Professional Russian Studies Panel

As part of our Spring 2020 U. S. Russia Foundation programming, we hosted a professional opportunities panel featuring Imani Crawford, Kimberly St. Julian-Varnon, Amber Walden, and Professor Sunnie Rucker-Chang, speaking about their different professional experiences in the Russian and Eurasian Studies field. 

Saint Petersburg, Russia, the Neva River.

Saint Petersburg, Russia, the Neva River.

Saint Petersburg, Russia, the Neva River. Yes, you can study here!

Minor in Russian

Course Requirements

For any questions regarding the Russian Minor program, contact Dr. B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, Ph. D., program coordinator.

What are the credit requirements?

The Russian Minor at Howard University requires 18 credit hours beyond the 004 level of language, which can be completed taking courses on Russian language, literature and culture.

Two types of courses can count towards a Russia Minor. One type, which requires no approval by the program coordinator, are those offered by the Department of World Languages and Cultures.  The second type requires approval ahead of time by the program coordinator and are described below. 

What courses can cover the Russian Minor requirement?

a) Courses offered by the Department of World Languages and Culture


b) Courses offered by the Political Science department (POLS 166. Russian Politics. 3 crs. An examination of post communist Russia and the international and domestic forces that gave rise to it. The course explores Russian’s foreign and domestic policies and the CIS system. Prerequisites: POLS 003 and 1POLS 28) or the History department (HIST 152. Russia to 1917. 3 crs. Emphasizes social, political, economic, and intellectual trends within Russia against both a European and world context. HIST 153. Russia Since 1917. 3 crs. Continuation of HIST 152 with emphasis on the Soviet Union.)

c) Courses in Russian language, literature, culture, and area studies offered through the Consortium of Universities of of the Washington Metropolitan Area.

d) Courses in Russian language, literature, culture, and area studies offered through approved study abroad.

Study Abroad

Students are highly encouraged to engage in study abroad in the Russian-speaking world. You should consult the program coordinator, Dr. Lugo de Fabritz, to see which program best fits your interests.


Howard University Russian Minors have the opportunity to engage in world class research opportunities. From having access to the Library of Congress, the foremost library for research in Russian Area Studies in the United States, students can also taste different disciplines through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, which includes Georgetown University, American University, George Washington University, George Mason University, and University of Maryland College Park. Students also have the opportunity to present research at research conferences such as the Midwest Slavic Conference, at Ohio State University, the regional affiliate for the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Interested students can also apply to summer study programs in language area study, as well as intensive summer preparation to apply for graduate study in the field. Students can explore a variety of disciplines through the Russian Minor program. 

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Sophia Williams, Howard University 2021, presents at Midwest Slavic Conference 2018, Ohio State University

Sophia Williams, Howard University 2021

Sophia Williams, Howard University 2021, presents a research paper at Midwest Slavic Conference, Ohio State University, 2018.

University of Maryland - Howard University Undergraduate Workshop

University of Maryland -- Howard University Undergraduate Research Workshop

University of Maryland -- Howard University Undergraduate Research Workshop, held in conjunction with University of Maryland College Park's Department of History. 

Madison Rodwell presents at University of Maryland

Howard University Participants at University of Maryland Research Symposium

Howard University undergraduate, Madison Rodwell, presented on African-American intellectuals and their trips to the former Soviet Union. Howard University undergraduate, Lexis Hill, presented on Audre Lorde’s travel in Central Asia. Tyler Colon ’21 presented on nested nationalism in Soviet Ukraine.

Lexis Hill presents at University of Maryland

Lexis Hill Presents at University of Maryland

Howard University undergraduate, Madison Rodwell, presented on African-American intellectuals and their trips to the former Soviet Union. Howard University undergraduate, Lexis Hill, presented on Audre Lorde’s travel in Central Asia. Tyler Colon ’21 presented on nested nationalism in Soviet Ukraine.

Tyler Colon presents at University of Maryland

Undergraduate Tyler Colon presents at University of Maryland

Howard University undergraduate, Madison Rodwell, presented on African-American intellectuals and their trips to the former Soviet Union. Howard University undergraduate, Lexis Hill, presented on Audre Lorde’s travel in Central Asia. Tyler Colon ’21 presented on nested nationalism in Soviet Ukraine.

Howard University Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies Project

Howard University Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies Project

Howard University's Russian Minor Program has undertaken a grant funded major national mentorship project for undergraduates of diverse backgrounds in the area of Russian and Slavic studies. The first round of the project involved three different projects.

Undergraduate Area Studies Professional and Academic Conference, Fall 2019

Professional Administrative and Strategic Planning Conference and Professional Opportunities Panel, Spring 2020

Undergraduate Intercollegiate Digital Humanities Think Tank and Cybersecurity Simulation, Fall 2020



Fall 2019 Undergraduate Conference Schedule

"Building a More Inclusive Future: Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies"

October 23 and 24, 2019, students from Howard University, University of Arizona, and University of Puerto Rico engaged in two days of professional and academic exploration in the field of Russian Area Studies. October 24 they participated in a research symposium that covered academic and professional opportunities. 

Fall 2019 Howard University US Russian Foundation Fellows from Howard University

Howard University Fellows, Fall 2019

Howard University students who participated in the Fall 2019 US Russia Foundation Research Symposium at Howard University. 


Spring Panel "My Path to Slavic: Meeting the New Generation”

On February 25, 2020, Howard University held the conference “Diversifying the Russian Studies Field: Faculty Best Practices” which invited scholars and administrators from across the country to discuss the primary institutional challenges faced by scholars of color in the field of Russian Area Studies. The day included a public panel titled “My Path to Slavic: Meeting the New Generation” held at the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center. The panel was attended by students, Howard University faculty and staff, as well as participants in the administrative workshop in the morning.

Spring 2020 Administrative Conference Participants

Spring 2020 Administrative Conference Participants and Howard University Students

Spring 2020 Administrative Conference Participants and Howard University Students

Spring 2020 Administrative Conference

Howard University Spring 2020 Administrative Conference

On February 25, 2020, Howard University held the conference “Diversifying the Russian Studies Field: Faculty Best Practices” which invited scholars and administrators from across the country to discuss the primary institutional challenges faced by scholars of color in the field of Russian Area Studies. The day included a public panel titled “My Path to Slavic: Meeting the New Generation” held at the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center. The panel was attended by students, Howard University faculty and staff, as well as participants in the administrative workshop in the morning.


In attendance at the morning workshop:

Via Skype:

Lynda Park, Executive Director, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.

On site:

B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, Ph. D., Howard University

Colleen Lucey, Ph. D., University of Arizona

MaRaina Montgomery, Manager of Study Abroad, Ralph J. Bunche Center, Howard University

Nicholas Detsch

Kimberly St. Julian-Varnon, San Jacinto College, Texas

Amber Walden, Howard University History Department 2016, Master student at King’s College

Sunnie Rucker-Chang, Ph. D., University of Cincinnati

Toni Cross, Master student, Georgetown University

Imani Crawford, President, Black Bread organization

Zachary Kelly, Assistant Director, ISEEES, University of California, Berkeley

Eileen Kunkler, Eileen Kunkler Assistant Director of the Center for Slavic and East European Studies, Ohio State University

Gina Peirce, Assistant Director for Grants and Assessment, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Pittsburgh

Krista Goff, Ph. D., University of Miami

Kelly Knickmeier-Cummings, Ph. D., Howard University

Joseph Dresen, Senior Program Associate, Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center

Emily Couch, Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center


One of the biggest takeaways from the conference was the consensus that advisers have to become more aware of the challenges faced by scholars of color, namely: we cannot hide. We are always visible. This observation came with a specific urgency, since personal safety is deeply interwoven with our perception of the field.


This did not diminish the enthusiasm for the field among the scholars, however. As a result of contact with the conference participants, two students declared their desire to complete a Minor in Russian language at Howard University.

Fall 2019 Howard University US Russia Foundation participants

Fall 2019 Howard University "Building a More Inclusive Future: Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies"

Fall 2019 Howard University "Building a More Inclusive Future: Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies" conference participants. 

Fall 2019 Conference Participants at Georgetown University

Fall 2019 Howard University "Building a More Inclusive Future: Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies" conference participants at Georgetown University

Fall 2019 Howard University "Building a More Inclusive Future: Diversifying the Field of Russian and Slavic Studies" conference participants visited Georgetown University's Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies (CERES) in Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service.



Howard University's Russian Minor program is proud to present the final projects for the Howard University  Digital Humanities Think Tank project. Students from eight institutions of higher learnings came together as teams to put together these digital humanities projects dealing with a broad range of historical and social topics -- from Soviet internationalism, to gender relations, to the rise of Putin. 

Analyzing History and Themes of Ethnic Groups in Soviet Films. -- Elly Haljiti and Alondra Obispo


Analyzing History and Themes of Ethnic Groups in Soviet Films. -- Elly Haljiti and Alondra Obispo

This report was part of the Howard University -- US Russia Foundation Digital Humanities Undergraduate Think Tank. Students worked with faculty mentors from across the country and presented their research at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies 2020 National Conference. 

B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, Ph. D.

B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, Ph. D.

B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, Ph. D.

B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz, Ph. D. is the Master Instructor for Russian language and literature in the Department of World Languages and Cultures. 

Kelly Knickmeier-Cummings, Ph. D.

Kelly Knickmeier Cummings

Kelly Knickmeier-Cummings, Ph. D.

Dr. Knickmeier-Cummings is the Lecturer in Russian language and literature at the Department of World Languages and Cultures.